Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Listening to the drills we will do.
We have been able to ski this whole week! Also, the snow is surprislingly good up at Aburn Ski Club. On Monday we did a time trial to see who gets on Varsity and who skis with JV. Tuesday, we worked on our technique going down hills, along with V-2 and V-2 alternating. Today, we will ski for about 45 minutes to get our endurance up, while thinking about the drills we have worked on to improve our skiing. Then, we will practice relay transitions, as our race this Friday (Decmeber 13, 2012) is a relay. Thursday, we will wax our skiis so they are fast to ski on at Kirkwood the next day. 
Example of how to do the drills.

                                                                                       We all know we haven't been able to train as                                                                                            much as we usually have because it is so early in the season, but we also know that no one else has been able to either. We have made the time that we have skied valuable, and will use that to our benefit.We will go into the race knowing we did what we could to train and we will give it our all. I think we are all excited and a little nervous for our first race of the season, but we will go for it and have a good time. 

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